The Queen of Kitchen Disasters

As much as I love to cook and bake, I'm lazy and I'm horrid at following recipes. Together with my natural capability of clumsiness and inability of handling anything sharp, it's the perfect recipe for ... disasters.

Monday, April 17, 2006

excuses to the infinity!

well, so why haven't I been blogging, esp with all the yummy food that i was cramming down my throat during my trip to japan?
i'm tired - my house is in a mess and just got it cleared (pushed everything into a bedroom) when some of the FBO gals came to visit ... i'm busy actually cuz i just changed jobs and I'm still trying to juggle both (still in transition for the old job) - and there are lots of followup on and deadlines and endless to do lists for the new one, since basically this period is on the rapid upward climb of the peak season. i was told the "breather" period is in september only.
also, i'm on the lookout for a new template to combine both of my blogs - all-in-one solution for me to muse, rave, rage, report on cooking experiments/ projects, recipes, and other things to mind. i'm thinking about kicking off a photography based project that i have been musing over on and off for the past 1.5 years.
so what should i do? blog first, decide later?
i dunno - i'm spending less time with rascal and i don't want to spend more time on my computer (even my warcraft game is seriously neglected these days) and less time with him. i'm to the point that i have outsourced my weekly bathing ritual to a grooming shop. it's costly but it saves me an hour per week to shower him, and in that hour, anger, frustration and energy to shower him, and worrying that i didn't rinse him enough, if the soap will get into his eyes ... but it comes to a point i have to get back onto it, else my bills will MOUNT and my hubby starts asking about the doggy expenses again!
there you have it ... weekends are spent pouring over the new work, and glancing at the old ones, and basically just trying to catch up with lost sleep.
i promise to get around to it soon - the longer i drag the longer i'm never going to get around it =b time to have a TO DO LIST *shudder*


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