pics and pics ...
ok selected some pics to show you the process of doing it ... so at least you have some kind of mental preparation!
Greasing the base of the square tin pan. The greaseproof paper is on top of it.

Now that the greaseproof paper is over the first layer of the butter, smooth out any bubbles and apply another layer of butter over the paper.

My ex colleague taught me the technique to seperate the egg yolk from the egg white using the egg shells - she swears that it's the easiest and best way to do it. I'll say less hassle and cheaper too! No need to be an egg yolk seperator! But it has it own drawbacks, especially when i accidentally hook a portion of the yolk sac over an sharp edge ...

So, here's 20 egg yolks! More or less intact ;P (to be precise 18 intact yolk sacs and 2 broken ones).

to be continued ....
i bought an egg yolk seperator for $0.50 (or was it a dollar?) and it's really good! Cos i'm not that good with seperating using the shells. :P
Ya, it's not that expensive. But my drawers are spilling out all my gadgets and my hubby is "frowning" on my purchases ... so make do with Nature's way. Practise makes perfect!
By the way, I was eyeing at the one in Daiso, but cost $2 for 1 leh ...
Daiso! i wanna go!!!!!!!
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