The Queen of Kitchen Disasters

As much as I love to cook and bake, I'm lazy and I'm horrid at following recipes. Together with my natural capability of clumsiness and inability of handling anything sharp, it's the perfect recipe for ... disasters.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Upgrading my skills

I've decided to pursue my interest in baking a bit more, now that we are settling down as a family and I have a bit more time on my hands.

So I went through a cupcake decorating class - fun! It helped that I had company, CH, to attend the class together.

So I had been musing for a while, and I finally decided to plonk down $$ for 2 more decorating class! I signed myself up for a Wilton Cake Decorating Course Level 1 which cost me $270. It will start sometime next month I think. The other class I signed up for was a Valentine Cookies Bouquet thingy. Sounds fun and I hope I will have fun. Hopefully the reciepient of the cookies won't complain about it being ugly!

I plan to do a bit more cooking, rather than baking, since now my girl is on solids. I've already planned her menu and cooking processes I need to do up to make life a breeze. I may be working full-time, but it doesn't excuse me from not preparing food for my girl. It's not difficult, just a little more time spent cleaning up and getting ready the ingredients. But, it will be time well spent, don't you think so?